Got questions? We got answers!
Read 'em here!

Q: Your names can't really be Rat Hannah and Rat Megan, can they? What are your real names?

A: Sorry, we prefer to stay anony-mouse!

Q:What's your favorite kind of cheese?

A:The cheese we share as friends! And Parmesan.

Q: Do rats dream?

A: Only of better days and bluer skies. The smell of stinkier cheese wafting through the window. Every rat dreams of a cozier hole, but we all make do with our own little burrows. When we wake, we waggle our whiskers in a dream come true: a duplex together!

Q: Doesn't living in a cage get boring?

A: Sometimes! When I get itchy paws, I like to hop on my wheel and run someplace new!

Q: What do you call a rat with a cold?

A: Rat-achoo-ouille!

Q: What makes rat utopia a utopia?

A: Where do you find a utopia? Is it within the destination we strive for, or is it leaving a place of pain? Is it inhabiting a body that we love, that is loved, that boasts the glossiest coat and springiest whiskers? Is it living within a world that spins to our liking: that enjoys the proliferation of tolerance and acceptance, and is liberated of hatred and sin?

I am not certain. I am asked this question so frequently, but I cannot answer it. I only know my own idle dreams of a better place and a better time. Standing side by side with you, or finally free. But I know these dreams, nor any aspiration or hope, will never become our utopia. They are sweet but ephermeral, and leave behind a bitter aftertaste. I only know that utopia is a feeling - not the duplex we dream of sharing, but this moment with you. It is the art we have created together, crafted with careful claws. These words written to you, packaged between brackets and interfaced with authenticity. You reading me now: that is my utopia.

Q: Who did you vote for in the past presidental election?

A: Rats find the democratic model of government outdated! We're all communists here.